101 Wonderful Conversation Starters for Couples

We talk. We all talk but how deep and meaningful conversations do you have with your spouse or partner in daily life? When it’s getting to know each other, questions couples should talk about are prominent to build a real foundation of love.

Let’s rewind your day. What do you talk about your boyfriend or husband on the whole day? I am sure, it’s all about stuff that’s not too important to have a happy relationship.

Are you confused about whether he or she is your perfect partner? Don’t worry we will discuss deep, funny, and romantic conversation starters for couples to slide over the fog over your mind.

You have a lot to talk about but how you really know the person is. How come I find that this person will be good for me? The only thing is to start talking.

Environmental and timing are so important to communicate with your partner. So don’t bring the questions straight on the face. Look for a good time and mood to discuss and learn about your loved one.


Simple yet Deep Conversation Starters For Couples

It’s your first date or your seventh date, some deep questions you really should ask to your boyfriend or girlfriend.

To know someone deeply, you need to ask more than his/her likes and dislikes. Questions that reveal the true self of the person are worth asking. These topics are good to talk about even for married couples.

Related post: 7 Must Follow Morning Routines of Happy Couple

Here are some good deep questions to ask your partner:

  1. What is our relationship that makes you happy?
  2. Tell me about the important persons in your life.
  3. How will you see yourself in the next five years?
  4. What makes people awful?
  5. The first thing comes into your mind when you hear the word “Love”.
  6. The one thing you hate to do every day and why?
  7. Three words that describe you.
  8. What does your perfect day look like?
  9. What do you feel about our lives together?
  10. In a situation, where we both disagree, how will we resolve it?
  11. What makes you a happier person?
  12. If life gives you one chance to change one thing or incident of life, what will be it?
  13. The best ways to show you love and support.
  14. Name Bad habits you have.
  15. How can I tell you when you are angry or wrong?
  16. What are your thoughts about marriage and family?
  17. The last time you cried and why?
  18. What’s your biggest failure in life? How did you overcome it? Read some awesome quotes about overcome the failure in life to motivate yourself.
  19. Your financial goals about money.
  20. Do you believe in partner equity-like helping in chores and careers?
  21. If a breakup situation comes, how will you deal with it? ( Related: Things not to do after a breakup)
  22. Three things you never want to lose in your life.
  23. How do you see your family? Who is closest to you? 51 Best Inspirational Family Quotes To Live By
  24. Talk about your passion and goals. Things you want to achieve in your life.
  25. What scares you most?
  26. When you will be successful, what do you purchase first?
  27. What are the qualities you adore in any person?
  28. Do you have a secret?
  29. Can you forgive people?
  30. Tell me about your past relationship.
  31. Where do you like to live your rest of life?
  32. Name the book you love most.
  33. Where do you like to travel? Your best travel memory.
  34. Your biggest regret in life.
  35. How to cheer up your mood after a bad day? Find 101 easy ways to be hay instantly.
  36. Gadgets and products you adore or have.
  37. Which type of lifestyle do you want?
  38. Which values do you follow in your life?
  39. If you got a bag of money, what will you do?
  40. Is there someone who was so kind to you? Tell me the story.
  41. What are your views about having a family and children?
  42. How can we grow this relationship?
  43. Do you think it’s okay to lie sometimes?
  44. I am your Jinne, tell me three wishes.
  45. What are the activities you want to do alone?
  46. Discuss the problems and things you want me to help.
  47. Are we a perfect couple? How?
  48. Are you grateful for life? 30 Simple Ways to practice gratitude every day
  49. What’s hard for you: managing a relationship, home, or work?
  50. Do you believe in luck, manifest, or coincidence? Tell me a real story about it.
  51. If I will die in one month, what’s your plan?

Funny Conversation Starters For Couples

“People fall in love by smiling at each other, but people stay in love by laughing with each other.” – unknown

Even if you know a person for a long time, you will never have to miss the single chance to laugh with him/her. Humor keeps a relationship fresh and vibrant. Humor is important and helps you to conflict and disagreements.

  1. One celebrity you like to date.
  2. Zombie vs Ghost who will win?
  3. Name your favorite movie or TV series you like to binge-watch at home.
  4. Name the one food you have to eat for the rest of your life.
  5. The best date night idea you have. Read: Best Date Night Ideas at Home
  6. Which century do you want to go and fall in love?
  7. Which music band do you dream to perform at your wedding?
  8. Tell me the most embarrassing moment or event of your life.
  9. Who will win in the fight, me or your ex?
  10. The weird facts about yourself.
  11. Do you like to join any couple class with me?
  12. Tell me about your unique combination of food or drink.
  13. Which app are you using the most?
  14. What will we dress like in the costume party?
  15. Do you change your hairstyle for me?
  16. What do you choose for a vacation: Beach, Hill, or Snow?
  17. Where do you spend most of your money?
  18. Are you guilty of something you never intend to do?
  19. Who will be the last person you want to meet?
  20. Name the one person you never be bored of talking with.

Related post: 5 Easy Ways to Show Your Spouse that You Care

Romantic Conversation Starters For Couples

Talking about feelings is important to build a strong relationship. Being open to express how much you love and care makes you a happy couple.

Here are some romantic ways to ask your partner how much you are important.

  1. What’s your favorite way to show affection?
  2. Do you remember our first date?
  3. When was the best time we have spent together?
  4. The best things you like about me.
  5. Where do you want to take me for a vacation?
  6. What does your perfect date look like?
  7. Do you ever dream about our future?
  8. Tell me about the strangest and weirdest date you had ever gone.
  9. Your favorite romantic movie.
  10. The best thing happened to you being in love with me.
  11. Do you love to write letters?
  12. Your favorite love song.
  13. What you love most in your life?
  14. The beautiful lines you ever heard about yourself.
  15. How do you treat yourself?
  16. Your favorite clothing brand or any item you love most.
  17. The best gift you ever get.
  18. The good and bad parts of our relationship.
  19. How can we spend more quality time with each other?
  20. Let’s set some couple goals, things we will do together, or say a bucket list.

Best conversation topics for couples

One thing that matters most in any relationship is “communication”. Each couple should try to talk more about their weaknesses, strengths, and expectations.

As a couple, you must ask some deep questions that reveal more about your core values and characteristics. Conversation starters for couples give an opportunity to ice break any situation and let it flow moments.

Honestly, I enjoy the full list of conversation topics to talk about. Which conversation starters are you going to ask today?

Would you like to share your list of questions with us?

Just write down in a comment so we all can read your lovely story. And share this article to spread more love and positivity.

Don’t forget to ask some funny questions to your partner!!!

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