Escape Writers is a platform for those who want to express their thoughts. We long for articles which may not be so highly decorated with English words but give a voice or opinion on certain issues. You can select topic from wide range of categories like Life Experiences, Travel, Parenting, Love, Relationship, Food, Cooking, Blogging Tips, Health, Mental Health, etc. It just have to be highly informative and easily connecting to our readers.
You have to provide a draft of an article which is currently not published. Your article should have min. 800 words and if you need we can help you in this. The article will be finalized after review and discussion. It will be absolutely fine if you want to republish your post on your website provided you do it after 2 weeks of publishing on EscapeWriters and with a link back to our site mentioning Originally Posted On or Source.
Regarding Guest Posting, we believe in mutual benefits. So you will get a “dofollow” backlink to your site or any of your social media profile from your post.
We have a wide reach on various channels of social media. We’ll promote your post on all our channels and also at other places.
You can have a look at our site and other profiles:
Facebook Page:
Basic terms of guest posting
You agree to share your article on all your social media channels after it is published.
You also agree to submit responses to all the comments (Site comments + FB Comments) received on your article. (As we feel that we must honor the time of our readers to read article and post comment, we must reciprocate with the same.)
The article should be original and should not be posted anywhere else earlier.
You can re-publish the post on your blog or at other places after 2 weeks from posting on EscapeWriters’ site.
While re-publishing, you must provide link to the article on EscapeWriters’ as “Source”, “Originally Posted on” or “Reference”.
You agree to follow EscapeWriters on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and pinterest.
You may review our past guest posts by clicking the link below, which will give you a broader view about how we do a guest post on our site.
Every week we are posting a new guest post so subscribe to us for more updates.
Please get in touch with us if you are interested to do a guest post on our website. You can Contact Us by filling up the form or simply shoot an email at