Jessica was a career-oriented woman before her son came, but now her son is her most important job for her. She is a SAHM( Stay At Home Mom) and truly enjoys her job at home with her blog named “Sane Momma”.
She is the best in time management and setting strategies as she was an HR Professional. She writes all about how to organize your life while staying at home and find some time for yourself. You will also find parenting and baby hack to feel sanity in your busy life.
Jessica is a person who is full of positivity and her son is the biggest motivation to her. She is passionate to write every day and we will learn some amazing tips from her.
Let’s meet Jessica, who is ready to share about how to grow in blogging career.
Name: Jessica
Lives in: New Hampshire
About Her Little Stars: I am the proud mommy of one sweet little boy (1-year-old) with a big personality.
Where could we find you?
Tell us something about your life. How do you feel about it?
I am a stay at home mom and wife and a full-time blogger. I also work as a Virtual Assistant and Editor for additional income. I often write about ways to organize your life as a stay at home mom as a way to share my own challenges, successes and the methods I have used in my own life.
What major changes have come into your life after being a mom?
Before becoming a mother, my career defined me, and I loved being a career woman. During pregnancy, my priorities began to shift and once my son was born, I knew I could never leave him for 10 hours a day to focus on my office job. Staying home with my son became the most important thing in the world to me.
How crucial do you think is a Mother’s role in parenting?
While there are situations where a mother’s absence is not detrimental, I think that in most traditional family situations, the mother’s role is extremely crucial. The bond between a mother and her child is i describable and the love and support of a mother can have a big impact on the child’s development and their temperament later in life.
What made you think to start blogging?
I have always loved writing but I didn’t think to start a blog until I became a stay at home mom. I’m not only was I in desperate need of a creative outlet, but I wanted to share the knowledge I gained in this massive life transition with other moms who could benefit from it.
How do you get inspired to write? Your sources of inspiration.
I find inspiration to write in my life every day! Whether it be an argument with my husband, a milestone for my son, or an adventure that we embark on as a family, I can always find something to write about. When things are calm around the house (a rare occasion), I can always find inspiration within my own personal goals, daily time management, and efforts to maintain self-care as a mom.
How blogging changed your world?
Before I joined the blogging community, I never thought it was possible to make money doing what I love and still stay home with my son. Now that I know this can be a reality, there’s no going back. I have never been more motivated to succeed in my life.
What is the most challenging aspect of being a mommy blogger?
Time management all the way. In fact, this is something I love writing about. So many moms struggle with this and I love to share the tips and tricks that I have discovered work best for me.
Share your funniest yet cranky moment with your child.
We recently discovered what a true temper tantrum was. As new parents, we naively thought that our son was growing a tantrum every time he got upset. Just the other day before nap time my son wanted to look out the window. I took him over to peek outside and then, a few moments later, told him it was time for his nap. As I walked away, baby in hand, I experienced the most dramatic and physically exhausting event: it was his first real tantrum. Limbs were flailing, back arched, and the screams likely lead the neighbors to believe that I was doing something horrible to him. All of this overlooking out a window.
As such being a Mom you are working for 24*7, how do you really find a #metime? What do you like to do in your leisure time?
I find me time by scheduling it. If I don’t plan ahead, it just won’t happen. I usually plan to take time for myself in the morning before anyone wakes up. My favorite me time activity is to do something creative. It could be anything from coloring in a stress relieving coloring book to designing graphics for my blog.
What aspects make your identity unique as a mommy blogger? (How you are different from other mommy bloggers?)
Before becoming a stay at home mom I worked in Human Resources. I designed workflows and processes to make our team more efficient and created and delivered learning content to employees. I like to think that this experience is the reason that I am able to develop useful content for my readers. When it comes to time management, I can break it down step by step. My experience in delivering learning content, essentially teaching, has allowed me to teach my readers how to implement my strategies into their own lives.
How do you evaluate blogging as a career option?
Blogging is hard work! It’s not meant for everyone. If you are passionate about the topic and willing to put in the effort, it can be life-changing.
What type of planning strategy do you follow for your blog?
After each post is written, I utilize social media to share the content with my users. I currently use Hootsuite for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and Tailwind for Pinterest.
Share your promotion strategy to get success. Which social media platform do you use the most?
Almost all of my traffic comes from Pinterest. It’s such a fun platform to use and it speaks to my target audience.
Where do you get support on technical and non-technical issues with blogging?
My number one source of support for all things related to blogging is Facebook. I am an active member of many blogger Facebook groups where members can ask questions and receive feedback.
Any piece of advice for a new mommy blogger.
Don’t get wrapped up in all of the information available to new bloggers. Make sure that you are still being true to yourself and maintain focus on why you wanted to start a blog in the first place.
What’re the next milestones you want to achieve?
My next big goal is to finish my ebook and sell it on my blog. It will be a while before it is complete and up to par with the high standards I set for myself, but I am so excited to unveil it to the world!
We will love to check your fantastic tips and hacks to find a real mom time. Jessica, we wish that you keep writing for us. I request readers to share or comment on her story to motivate her.
I do blog about mommy & baby and I think what makes me a bit different than other mom bloggers is that I’m a Latin Woman, so getting a point of view from a Hispanic woman can go along way.
Being a mom is a full-time job but it is very rewarding. I think being a parent the first 4 years of a child’s life is always the hardest because they can’t really fend for themselves just yet and they are still learning. As they get older it may be get a little easier but you will always have things to worry about.