Heather is a mother of two adorable kids and sharing her thoughts on “Very Anxious Mommy”. Heather never expected in her wildest dream about blogging but her ever-supportive husband pushed her to at least start a new thing. She is a strong and supportive woman who want to give her best to everything in life.
Heather is perfectly okay with being not so perfect and shares her experiences as a semi-crunchy mom on her blog. Her great interest in green/natural parenting makes her blog so special and viable to read.
Although she is not a financial expert, she shares adorable tips on frugal lifestyle as we all wanted to know how to make money to support our family. You can find absolutely helpful tips on blogging ( expert in Pinterest strategies) and natural parenting hacks.
Heather just like you and me, read another mommy blogger’s story and her anxiety to do something lead her to start her blogging career. So are you in a dilemma when and how to start a blog or want to make money by staying at home?
Read her story where she shares excellent tips about blogging and stays motivated to do your best.
Name: Heather McMaster
Lives in: Grovetown, Georgia
About Her Little Stars: Aubrey is my social butterfly and she is 6 years old. Owen is my very quiet and sweet 2-year old that loves Cookie Monster.
Where could we find you?
Tell us something about your life. How do you feel about it?
I originally started my parenting blog – veryanxiousmommy.com, as an outlet to share with other moms how to save money and live a frugal lifestyle while also raising children. I never thought it would be a great as it has been writing for my wonderful followers.
What major changes have come into your life after being a mom?
After becoming a mom, I have learned that I now need to take better care of myself so I can be strong for my children.
How crucial do you think is a Mother’s role in parenting?
I believe that a mother’s role is so important in every child’s life. There are different ways that a mother molds her children that a father does not.
What made you think to start blogging?
When my husband became disabled, I thought that I should try to make money from blogging to care for our family.
How do you get inspired to write? Your sources of inspiration.
Most of my inspiration comes from my family. My children challenge me as a parent and as I learn from these challenges, I share them with my readers.
How blogging changed your world?
Since starting my blog, I have met so many wonderful people, especially moms, who love to write and are beautiful people.
What is the most challenging aspect of being a mommy blogger?
My biggest challenge of being a mommy blogger is balancing time. I feel like I am pulled in different directions constantly.
Share your funniest yet cranky moment with your child.
My funniest moment has to have been when my 2-year-old son laughs at me even when I know he is cranky and needs to go to bed. Often times we are frustrated and our kids will make us laugh when we are supposed to be serious. It’s difficult now to laugh when they are being so adorable.
As such being a Mom you are working for 24*7, how do you really find a #metime? What do you like to do in your leisure time?
I love to binge watch TV shows on Netflix for #metime.
What aspects make your identity unique as a mommy blogger? (How you are different from other mommy bloggers?)
I believe I am different from other mom bloggers because I love using green products for my children, however, I am also realistic about my expectations and feel that I cannot stress about every little thing for my sanity. If I have to use a product that I am not perfectly organic or all natural, I just remind myself that sometimes my sanity is worth more.
How do you evaluate blogging as a career option?
I love blogging and have seen numerous moms turn blogging into a full-time career.
What type of planning strategy do you follow for your blog?
I have a whiteboard with sticky notes that have all of my blogging ideas on each stick note. I usually will pick one or two off the board each week and start outlining my post for that week. Once the post is up I will make a few different Pinterest images and schedule them with Tailwind.
Share your promotion strategy to get success. Which social media platform do you use the most?
I use Pinterest like nobody’s business.
Where do you get support on technical and non-technical issues with blogging?
I can generally find an answer to any problems I face with blogging on my Facebook groups
Any piece of advice for a new mommy blogger.
Take your time. Don’t rush into having everything published in one day. As a new mom blogger always remember why you started blogging and have fun with it.
What’re the next milestones you want to achieve?
I would love for my blog to become my full-time career.
The day you decide, is the day to execute. Heather is a true example how to turn every situation into your favor. Rather being scared of failure just have faith in your hard work.
Heather’s story is truly inspiring, Let’s share her story. You can also comment in below section to show your views or any queries.
This is a great post 🙂
I really like the statement she made “I need to take better care of myself to be a strong mother”. This is so true and I think many women forget to look after themselves out of guilt or just not having time. Being healthy yourself will help you be a better mom! Thanks for sharing.
Aishah x http://www.grainsandgains.com
Ami Rose
What a lovely interview with Heather. I too have made so many wonderful friends through blogging. Good luck on turning your blog into a full-time career.
Ami xxx
When you write from the heart, its obviously going to get inspirational and many will love what you do…just as Heather does! And we wish her the best. Blogging does require patience and commitment like she says! Anyway, it really sounds so great to be sharing your perspective from a mom’s point of view! Nice interview you had!
London Mumma
I love posts like this and finding out about other bloggers, particularly mumma bloggers like myself. I love finding out about how they started and came about.
It is so nice be sharing your perspective from a mom’s point of view like she does. And as Heather says,networking with other bloggers on Facebook is so great and helpful in all blogging aspects. Any way, all the best to Heather as she works to make this her full time career.
I love posts like this, it’s such a great way to find new bloggers. I agree about the importance of taking care of yourself. When you’re busy it’s easy to neglect yourself, but it never works in the long run. It’s so important to care for yourself!
Samantha Carraro
I loved this interview, it’s always nice to get to know new blogger, especially if they write about different topics than yours. I’ll check the other interviews as well 🙂