Mommy Blogger Interview #6 – Niharika Roy Choudhury

Niharika is a mom of a cute little girl and expressing her thoughts on “ByNiharika” from India. Niharika is gorgeous women who don’t want to sit idle. She just want to feel and write about the beauty and inspiring moments around herself. Her endless love to her daughter is her daily source of motivation.

Niharika is former HR Professional but now SAHM and a blogger. You can find out mom’s stories and some excellent tricks and tips on decorating and organizing your house on her blog.
With a gorgeous smile on her face she shares some really inspiring life stories.

Niharika is an instagram addict which slowly turned her to explore her passion into blogging. Let’s find how Niharika as a new blogger working hard on strategies and goals to run a successful blog.

Name: Niharika Roy Choudhury

Lives in: Indore, India

About Her Little Stars: My daughter is as of today she is 21 months and 4 days 😛 to be precise

Where could we find you?

Tell us something about your life. How do you feel about it?
Right now life is super hectic, there are lots of things that I need to do, but I need to take care of my baby too because I am the primary care taker of her.Blogging is something that is I am enjoying a lot nowadays. I am HR but I am freelance content writer right now. So you can say I am a Stay-At-Home-Mom – working when baby sleeps – part time blogger, who is now in the process of monetizing her blog.

What major changes have come into your life after being a mom?
I didn’t realize that I can love someone this much, it scares me a lot of losing her. Time is a thing which is very less in my hand and has made the major change in my life after having her.

How crucial do you think is a Mother’s role in parenting?
A lot. Although lately I have realised that Father must also step in the role, that will bring the baby closer to her father. Other than that, of course I feel my role as a mother should result in such a way that I should be my daughters go-to-person when she grows up.

What made you think to start blogging?
Instagram inspired me to start blogging.

How do you get inspired to write? Your sources of inspiration.
While doing house hold chores, if something comes up to my mind, I write it down in my google keep account. Otherwise if I have come across some beautiful write up by other bloggers, I try to write about the same but with my experiences.

How blogging changed your world?
I don’t like to sit idle, blogging has given me something to do. But most importantly It has given me a voice and in some way I have seen myself growing everyday.

What is the most challenging aspect of being a mommy blogger?
Generating traffic to your blog, I have more than 700 friends in Facebook, but still 2-3 turn up to check the blog other than my family. People search the internet when they want some information, a lot of better content is out there SEO is something that make it difficult. Also finding out time to write(when you dont have any other help for house hold chores) is also something challenging because when your baby sleeps you have a thousand things to do in a little time.

Share your funniest yet cranky moment with your child.
Ohh there are lot many!! Today I forgot to lock my bathroom door and she came running to pat on the door and the door went burst open, she somehow managed to balance herself and then saw me and said mumma sheshe and started grinning…

As such being a Mom you are working for 24*7, how do you really find a #metime? What do you like to do in your leisure time?
Its difficult one now, as there are lot of things to do…but if by chance i get any , then i like to write blogs or paint my nails, take care of myself.

What aspects make your identity unique as a mommy blogger? (How you are different from other mommy bloggers?)
We all have the same experiences but in different ways, I am also no different from other mommy bloggers, but individually I am trying to be more ambitious, focused, active and lively.

How do you evaluate blogging as a career option?
Its a great way to express yourself plus earn too…

What type of planning strategy do you follow for your blog?
I am not using anything to schedule my post.But i do have started drafting a lot. I am hugely dependent on google keep to write any blogging ideas.

Share your promotion strategy to get success. Which social media platform do you use the most?
I guess I am yet to achieve a lot, Facebook, Instagram, twitter, Whatsapp has helped me a lot to grow respectively.

Where do you get support on technical and non-technical issues with blogging?
No-One I have been trying all the things on my own. This is one of the reason that I have grown so slowly.

Any piece of advice for a new mommy blogger.
Don’t get wrapped up in all of the information available to new bloggers. Make sure that you are still being true to yourself before going live, wait check out other blogs, observe, learn how to host, maintain and perform simple functions on your own, then go live. Otherwise if you have money to buy a service, just go head and a custom-made blog will be served to you. But learning by yourself is also fun, its the hard way for learning. And learn dont copy, you will not be able to survive for long by coping.

What’re the next milestones you want to achieve?
Monetize my blog, earn some good amount of money, travel to some place good – probably in a beach and loose some weight I guess. Gain my confidence back of being fearless and unstoppable.

The story of Niharika teach us how to follow your dreams by constant efforts and of course with a smile on your face.

Share or comment, if her story makes you think about creating a good change in your life.

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  1. priyanka chakraborty

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