Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and you are not at all exhilarated. Is it daunting for you? Why? Maybe you don’t have a boyfriend or never ever had need of having one. Some people swank about their relationship status so clamorously that you will feel inferiority complex about not having a boyfriend.
At times, I was always perplexed by the thought of having a boyfriend but never had one. Maybe I was waiting for a perfect boyfriend. Some people treat the relationship as a fashion trend like an accessory and have fun being cheerful and others intentionally stay away to avoid the ambiguities of relationships.
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Maybe you are a cohort of strong feminists or no choice at all so just happy with no relationship status.
What’s your reason to stay single or never be into a relationship? Why you never ever had or need a boyfriend? There could be uncountable reasons for never ever need or have a boyfriend in your life. Here, I am attempting to list some of them – why I never have a boyfriend. Let’s see how much you agree on this.
1. If you think you are an inept lover, your decision is right to behold the title “Single” with pride. You never need a boyfriend to have a happy life.
2. You must possess extraordinary communication skills to have a boyfriend. You have to talk for hours and hours without a reason, somehow manage to talk in public transport, have a low volume so no one can listen to what are you talking about. Yeah, can you do this? No – forget about a boyfriend, you may never be able to sustain in a relationship.
3. If you are not so good at showing-off or pampering, chances to have a boyfriend are less. In every conversation with your partner, you should use Baby, Janu, Babu or Darling such kind of words and if this irritates you, admit that this is not a cup of your tea.
4. You are not so lucky to find true love. Getting a perfect boyfriend is just like a lucky draw. Not so lucky to find one and just having a relationship with your pizza. You don’t know where to find a perfect boyfriend.
5. No one proposed to you. The first and foremost necessity to have a Boyfriend is, someone, proposes to you. As most of us don’t like or prefer to propose first. In such cases, if no one proposed you, you will never have a boyfriend. Easy math calculation.
6. The proposals you have are not suitable for you. We are in the 21st century but still, our parents will not arrange a date for us. Our parents are not that much liberal to find a perfect boyfriend!!! So you have to choose a Boyfriend who is best for you.
7. Don’t have expertise in how to be a center point of attraction. Maybe some of you who think they are strong feminists and may never agree on this but you find this type of behavior in both boys and girls. Thus not offending but some girls have a Ph.D. level of knowing how to be a center point of attraction. Just laugh at silly jokes of boys, dress well and try to make everybody notice it, asking for help on easy-peasy work. So will I ever get a boyfriend if I don’t have such quality?
8. Not having such a pretty face and absolutely fine with that. This is one of the strongest reasons why you don’t have a boyfriend. But who really cares about that??? You would not crave fancy dresses. Hanging out in your pajamas is just cool for you as you don’t bother how you look all the time. Seriously, this is an advantage of not having a boyfriend.
9. You can throw a party, go to movies, don’t need someone to pay for your shopping bills. Independent enough to make a decision and have a girl gang around you, therefore feel that you don’t need a boyfriend to live happily.
10. You always have a good support system and never need to search for a boyfriend who stands for you. Not all the time chemical reaction takes place when you fall in love with someone. Many a time people are going through tough times and they find someone who understands, who cares, and who will help hold back their tears. A true friend rescues you from your bad time or you could have friends and family standing strong by your side in a difficult time.
11. You have a bestie and don’t miss your boyfriend. Sometimes you just need to have someone who really listens to you. You can never feel alone if you have a best friend and don’t need a boyfriend to text at midnight.
12. You want to do your job by yourself. If you are not asking for much help from boys then you will never be on their radar. You are lambasted because of being more confident than boys. You are confident enough that you never need a boyfriend.
13. You have an absurd habit. I think this the foremost reason why you will never ever have a Boyfriend. My absurd habit to say “Bhaiya( Bro)” to every boy I see. And every boy is just scared of me. Do you have any absurd habit like this which rotted your dreams into dust?
14. You always have an enemy for your love life. Your Love story will be a hurdle race if you have a big brother or so many cousins. No one dares to come close to you. As you can bribe your younger siblings not elder ones.
15. You are anti-social. So not interested to meet so many people. Don’t find a boyfriend because of your shyness. Apparently, a bigger network will create more connections and it will surely help you in finding a good boyfriend. As a result, you would have a small group and you are happy with a loving company of yourself. Just ignore the rest of the world.
16. You are immature. Boyfriend-Girlfriend terminology is an intricate relationship. Complexity, ambiguity, restlessness, low concentration are various side effects of having a Boyfriend. If you are very much sure, you are not that much mature to handle such issues, don’t need to find a boyfriend. Happy with easy-going life!!!
17. You are impulsive. You are not good at decision making hence you are unable to handle the stress and a pile of responsibility. Intentionally avoid being in the relationship as you know you are not sure about what exactly you want. So it’s a better idea to stay away and never have a boyfriend to create more confusion in your life.
18. Your high expectations always ruin your dreams. People who love things related to Romance like Movies, Novels, Poetry, and Songs always have some preset high standards for Love. Remember too many disappointments are usually a sign of too many expectations. So you never ever find a boyfriend who is just like your favorite character.
19. You do not trust to share your happiness or sorrow with someone else. You can hold up your tears on your own, able to fix the broken pieces somehow, or you can stay a little bit resilient.
20. You are sure that you are an emotional fool. That’s the reason you can’t bear to see the lovely couple separating even on screens or you have faith in Nicholas Sparks novels (unexpected love stories). You genuinely do not like to face the risk of heartbreak in any case and intentionally stay away for any type of relationship.
21. You are not too strong for such fragile things so never dare to love someone. Hence you have decided not to take risk of your mental peace and stay away. You can call this a coward behavior but believe me, it would be a lot more difficult to sing a breakup song. You decided to lead a life as a single.
22. You do not have time for love or you are not ready for love. Since you are busy with your studies, your career or struggling for your dreams, being into a relationship is hard for you. Every day is a challenge and doesn’t have time even for Valentine’s day. No time to just look around and find someone. Too busy in your own Life!!!
23. You are a perfectionist, always searching for a perfect partner. You never met anyone like Noah (Notebook), Mr. Darcy (Pride & Prejudice) or Augustus (The Faults in Our Stars) in my real life. So if you are searching for Mr.Perfect, God knows when you will find the one.
24. Maybe you are idiosyncratic(a quirky one) as you simply don’t like love-story. Believe
to celebrate singlehood.
25. You are stubborn so do what you like. You never want to plan accordingly your boyfriend’s priority.
26. You consider love as a sin. In our society, we enjoy watching romantic movies or we can read romantic novels. Every girl wants a boyfriend but love is not accepted in real life so easily.
27. You accepted the fact that our society is biased. You are considered as having undetermined behavior and a cheap character if you have a boyfriend. On the contrary, if there is a boy, he will be considered as smart and charming to have a girlfriend.
28. You don’t like to be evaluated by society. You don’t like to face a trial by the whole family and society if they found you are in love.
29. You are not so crazy for boys and managed to have a sense of detachment with boys as such you are not fascinated by having a boyfriend. Simply not interested!!!
30. You really never ever feel a butterfly in your stomach by seeing anyone. Or might be you are very clear about these terms called crush and love. Dreaming about a boyfriend is not your favorite thing.
31. You are a good learner. There are many real-life examples where girls are facing unnecessary problems because of their love life. A bad boyfriend can spoil your whole life. So don’t want more in your already complicated life. And try to stay away from any relationships.
32. You just loved Taylor Swift songs and inspired by her songs so much.
Love is a very serious matter. It can make you or break you. Choose your partner with your heart and with great acceptance by your mind too. It’s better to have no one than someone who puts you into desolation.
Seriously, I don’t have any regret not to have a boyfriend, do you? Good ( I presume you said NO).
I think I am done with almost every realistic reason that could be responsible for not having a boyfriend. So, this is my list of why you never ever have or need a boyfriend? Do you want to add more to it? Comment your reason to not have a boyfriend. Please share this to spread more positivity.
It’s so important to realise you are happy single! I think it can even lead to better relationships because you’re content with yourself
Sapna Krishnan
Oh well, there are pros and cons to both always. This was a funny read. I love the gifs that you have used..very apt.
Interesting take on Valentine’s day! A good read!
A post for people who are fun-loving. Keep sharing ?
I love being single, so agree with a lot that is on this list. Love #32 haha because she gets me!
GiGi Eats
It’s not about NEEDING -because you don’t need people, it’s about WANTING. My husband always says that to me. He says “YOU DO NOT NEED ME” because you are a strong independent person. It’s about choosing to WANT someone in your life because they know they will help build you up into a stronger person! And that… HE DOES!
Haha! These are pretty funny! There’s nothing like having a true bff!
Jennifer Rollins
I have been with my husband since I was 20 so I never really experienced “single” life. This was a fun read though! There are definitely pros and cons to both being single and in a relationship.
Sarah Bailey
These are some great reasons, I spend many happy years alone and sometimes it is definitely easier though I wouldn’t be without my OH now.
I like number 25. Although I have a partner, I am very stubborn. I’m grateful that he puts up with my stubborn ways 😉
love it, I had only just a handful of boyfriends and have been married 32 years to the man of my life who yes was at one time my boyfriend. I agree there are some that may not like to have a boyfriend and we never have to have boyfriend
Becky Willis
I think if you are single and happy that is all that matters. I have been married over 22 years to my best friend so I do not have a need for a boyfriend on top of that lol. This was definitely a fun post to read.
This is a funny article. Well, you can be single and still be happy and you can be in a relationship but still be unhappy.
At hana Manikandan
Everything has its own pros and cons , I loved the way you have put it up .
Sheri - A Busy Bee's Life
These are funny. I think it goes both ways as everything has it’s positive and negative sides.
Kelly Hutchinson
Many solid reasons to never have or need a boyfriend. I was always the one who felt they needed one. This changed as I got older.
Kristi McAllister
I think the only way to ever be complete is to love yourself first. All the other stuff comes along later. Having a partner is a necessity as happiness always comes from within. Fun post!
i was single for a 2 years before i met my now boyfriend and honestly my advice for singles is to enjoy it as much as possible. i know it’s fun to romanticize being in a relationship but it does take hard work. it’s important to be happy while you’re single so once you get in a relationship – that person should just add to your happiness.
Naomi Destiny
This was a fun read! I agree and disagree to some of them because I believe being single is all about being content. Thanks for sharing!
Well written, I think pasta can cheer you up better than a relationship…
Ana De- Jesus
There was a time in my life where I hated being single but now I am ok being by myself, like you said its fun to be able to have a relationship with your pizza haha. At least that is what I keep telling myself!
Alison Rost
I think it’s always a choice, regardless of who you are or what your traits are, when you find the right person, you’ll realize that you can be in a relationship no matter what. It’s a choice, definitely.
Blair Villanueva
These are very funny reasons and I like it. But kidding aside, I need my boyfriend though because he is loving and useful at home 😀
Everything on a plate
We absolutely love your wit. We believe you don’t need need a bf… But it’s nice to have someone close or to call your own and share stuff with.
Dalene Ekirapa
I like the independent girl thing! And definitely, I won’t need a boyfriend if I can care for my myself…after all, love tends to look more complicated once you’re out of a relationship.
Lol! I found this post to be very funny, and i kind of agree with the points made. Personally i do find relationships these days to be like fashion or an accessory like you mentioned. For a young person like me trying to make it in life, i don’t really have time to be showing off a girlfriend. I would rather flaunt my success. After that, I’ll go and find myself a girl worth being with. So that’s my excuse for not being in a relationship at the moment.
This is great! You really don’t NEED a boyfriend. Being single can be a lot of fun and being an independent woman is important.
I don’t think it matters at all whether you have a boyfriend, girlfriend or are alone as long as you’re happy and fulfilled. Life is too short to be with someone you don’t like that much 🙂
Love the gifs! List is very abundant, you said it all! Nice work ?
I’ve learned to embrace my singleness lol. At least for now anyway
i definitely never felt i needed a boyfriend. there came a time in my life where i just happened to meet my husband at college and then we wanted to be together.
These gifs are great! ? You should definitely only be with someone who adds to you! We don’t NEED anybody!