House is a mess, eyes are soured and I don’t want to see who the hell is calling on my phone, it’s me when I have a rough day. Everything seems finished, my body starts paining like I am aged and the only thing I like to do is escape. Everyone has a bad mental health day. How can I feel better on such hard days in life?
Your disrespectful boss, annoying neighbor, interfering relatives, tantrum-throwing toddler or any one of them would not stop. You need to find a way to get better from life.
“Even though you’re fed up, you gotta keep your head up.“
Tupac Shakur
If you are an emotional person, you surely need to find ways to feel better on bad mental health days. Here, we discuss some things you can do in your life to improve mental health and find a balance between personal and professional life.

11 Tips to Feel Good on Bad Mental Health Days
1. Admit & Accept
“Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique, incomparable. You are you, I am I.”
Everyday is not the same and that’s the beauty of life. Admit your disappointments and let your emotions flow. If you have a bad mental health day at work or home, cry if you want to.
Don’t withhold your negative emotions as they will come out as aggressiveness and low self-esteem in the future. When you feel bad, talk about it.
Tell your friend, write into a journal or just do some positive self talk about your bad day. And relieve all negative energy to start a new day tomorrow.
The key to becoming a happier person is, let go of your past and start a new day with more hope and enthusiasm.
It’s okey to have bad days. Those bad days are giving you life’s toughest lessons so for.
Related Article: How Can You Take Care of Yourself and See Instant Results?
2. Find your fun thing to do
When I feel bad or tired, I do sketching of cartoon. Doodling is my own stress relief technique. What’s your fun thing?
It can be anything like watching Netflix, listening to your favorite music, reading books, etc. There are many little things that make you happy so find out your fun thing.
You know yourself better than anyone so entertain yourself with your favourite thing.
Go out to play a sport, sit around the backyard side of the house and grab your favorite drink, look at the sunset and dream. It’s not hard to turn your bad mood into a good mood as you think.
Every day you are making much more effort to please others. Why are you not able to cheer up yourself?
3. Move your body
When you feel depressed and isolated on a bad mental health day, you don’t want to get up from your bed. You don’t like to come out.
I am very sure your cozy bed sheets and cushions will never force you to do something. The only option to come out from bad days trauma is to move yourself. So do any of these:
- Do some 10-minutes exercise,
- Dance
- Take a nature walk
- Take a hot bath
- Arrange those messy drawers
- Clean your room
- Make good healthy food for yourself
- Go take out yourself for shopping or dinner
- Wear that new dress and rock the world like today is the only day to live.
The biggest lesson of life is to live in a moment so wake up my friend and do something.
4. Meditation & Affirmations
Finding 10-15 minutes silent time means meditation to me. Although you can find many basic meditation exercises to do on YouTube.
The great thing about meditation is it’s the best minimalist mental health exercise. Every coach and successful person vouch for it.
Meditation calms you down and makes you more resilient on tough days. Meditation is not only best to improve mental health but it also benefits to create a healthy life.
Give yourself 15 min to attract all positive energy surrounding yourself and let fed away all bad moments of today and meditate. It will surely turn a bad mental health day to a peaceful tomorrow.
The other best mental health exercise is to say loudly or write positive affirmations every day. Affirmations build up a positive mental attitude to achieve your goals.
Related Post: 30 Calming Affirmations for Anxiety
5. Practice Self care
Self care is not spending, it’s more like investing for betterment.
Don’t be a giving tree. Don’t give so much to others that you left nothing for yourself. Learn to treat yourself first.
There is a lot more grief in everyday lifestyle but you have to learn to put your own happiness first.
Not putting yourself into priority is one of the most common mistakes unhappy people make.
You can create your own self-care toolbox by adding below things:
- Have your favorite book
- Perfume or essential oils for relaxation
- Bath bombs
- Favorite journal
- Photos of happy you
- Adult coloring pages
- Cards with a positive message
- Stuffed toy
- You might add as many items as you love or visit a nearby spa too.
You may practice some self-care activities at home to feel good after having a long and bad mental health day.
Sometimes playing with my daughters or coloring with them making me so peaceful. You can spend some quality time with your family and count your blessing instead of being alone.
6. Find Good
“Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses.”
Alphonse Karr
You and me, both have thousands of reasons to feel sad about today. How about finding good in each day?
Hard. I know. How can I feel good when all the things happening around me are making me feel awful?
That’s the power of having an attitude of gratitude in your life. You have to find simple ways to feel grateful each day. Finding good is sort of difficult but I am sure once you start doing it, you know it is worthy enough.
Even if you are having a bad day at work and feeling so exhausted, you can still think about what good happened today. Before leaving a house you can be thankful that you have a family to wait for.
Feel blessed while eating your dinner at home rather than going to a fancy party. You know having food on a plate to eat is a dream of thousands of homeless people.
The most important things is to write down only three good things that happened today in your journal or diary. You can even write that you are grateful to live. Actually staying alive is also a great thing. Don’t you?
7. Follow good habits
What keeps you going? Good habits.
By developing daily habits for a fit lifestyle and good mental health, you can conquer your hard days without much struggle. Create a set of routines that force you to do your best.
Acquire yourself with positive habits to have an amazing life you always wanted to create. You can use a daily habit tracker to supervise daily progress.
Organize your life, make a to-do list for each day your important tasks are upfront, and priority is set to conquer the day. You can try simple methods of productivity in the start to avoid complexity and fear of failure.
Even if you are tired, you can still do small productive tasks to boost your daily productivity. Habits always help you to rise up from your own limitations and make you strong enough to fight back on the toughest time of your life.
8. Shift your mindset
As you grow, unintentionally you are creating many beliefs in your mind. These beliefs will build your character.
By analyzing your belief you can shift your mindset and turn as a positive person.
Thinking every day about your mistakes, saying yourself a failure never leads a life you want. Learn from your mistakes and worry less about your past.
Do some positive self talk, appreciate people around yourself, treat others like you want them to be, stop gossiping and comparing and try to come out your own boundries.
You can develop more positive habits and create a personal development plan for yourself to know your purpose in life.
You can shut down your overthinking mind by doing brain dump exercise to know your priorities in life. When you know your goal, you are smart enough to find ways.
This is a much broader expect but it’s so powerful. When you feel sad and depressed your goals and attitude are the only thing which never let you give up.
9. Sleep better
Sleeping well leads a more positive and healthy life. Everybody needs 6-8 hrs sleep.
When there is a tough day, you always struggle to sleep which creates more chaos and depression in mind. You feel so down and don’t have the energy to kickstart the next day.
If you are not able to sleep well try this technique and relax. You can meditate before sleep and turn off your phone before 1 hour of sleep. You can fix your sleep time to have a perfect routine and set your body clock to sleep on time every day. You can have a warm room and cozy bed sheets to help to sleep soon.
Reading before sleep also works magically to have good sleep. Try to avoid watching the news or browsing social media before sleep to help your mind to be optimistic.
Good seep is mandatory. Don’t be an idiot by sleeping less and break the fabulous system of a human body.
10. Take a day off
Waves of ocean goes up and down, fast and slow. Our life is just like ocean waves.
You better take care of yourself when waves go so high. Take a one day leave from the office or home and enjoy the rest of the day by doing what you love.

Read your favorite book, watch your favorite comic show, sleep tight, go out for evening walk, observe nature, meet your old friends, arrange and clean your house, write a letter to yourself are some of the beautiful ideas for your bad mental health days.
Everybody has unique ideas to set himself calm. Some people just want to stay in bed, watch Netflix, eat their favorite food, and the next day they feel better.
Some people need more inspiration so they should go out, talk to others, write and analyze their life to feel less anxious about the daily struggle. Don’t sit at home on your mental health day leave and do something creative or new.
11. Invest into yourself and ask help.
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”
Steve Jobs
How much time and money you had invested in yourself? What are you doing to be more resilient and competent?
Feeling so depressed, start doing your favorite activity. Join that piano class that you wanted to join from your childhood. Take a course, volunteer, join a membership program, follow a healthy diet, or take help of others when needed.
Asking for help is not a shameful moment. If the dark side of life is dragging you, go to psychiatric, do yoga, do journalling or simply talk to your near ones.
Investing more time and money in things you do live always creates a major change in your life. You are less anxious about each pitfall and enjoy your life the fullest.
How to take care of myself while having a bad mental health day?
Nobody is stronger in this world. Everybody is struggling to fit into their own expectations. It is obvious that we are more devasted by failure. But above tips for bad mental health days work perfectly.
Never compare your life, have good habits and do some self care to become a mentally strong person. Even on weekends, do your favourite activity, meet people, explore local places, dress for yourself and give a treat to yourself because you are the important person in your life.
Daily meditation, daily writing in journal, positive talk and good company of people are the most blissful things you can do during your bad days.
Don’t feel ashamed of yourself about feeling bad. These are emotions and they will flow, no matter how much you want to control them.
Make peace with yourself by setting smart goals and keep looking at new things.
I hope you love these ways to feel good on those bad mental health days.
I want to learn more about you, how do you feel on those days?
What are you struggling with your daily work?
Do you have your own trick to feel good? Kindly share your secret in comments so others can inspire with such ideas for bad mental health days.
Keep sharing this so we all can make a more humble and happy community around ourselves.